When I first started thinking about this post, I was going to title it, "Why Men Don't Serve in Ministry". Then I began to realize how negative that sounded and also realized I could create a two part blog for this and double my views to ten!
I thought about this on my first Sunday morning serving back at my home church. I took a 6 week break from serving when our son was born and it was time to come back. You see I get the chance to participate in a few ministries. I lead a high school boys small group and a fifth and sixth grade small group. Both groups are equally crazy, but for different reasons. I thought of this because of my own frustrations with men in the church. The thoughts of why they don't serve and why they aren't in children's ministries ran rampant throughout my head.
However, that attitude didn't serve me well and thankfully God changed my attitude so that I could have a good time with my boys. I'm glad I did, but why shouldn't others serve alongside me?
Guys, these boys are going to have a leader who shows them how to live regardless. Wouldn't you rather have the boys with a leader like the author of Hebrews 13:7 writes about?
"Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate your faith."
#1 - You're serving your Father -
In the early church I doubt that there was ministry like this with sectioned off children's programs, high school ministries, young adult ministries, regular adult ministries, empty nest ministries, left handed ministries, etc. However, God wants us to use his spiritual gifts serving him. What do you think Jesus came down here for in the first place? Matthew 20:28 tells us this, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
Find what your gifts are and serve Him to bring glory to Him. Don't use the cop out of, "I'm strong I can move things." Lead.
#2 - You're a leader -
Are you a male? Yeah, well then you're a leader. You're leading your family and they see that and they love you. Not everyone is blessed to have someone like you as their spiritual leader. I see a lot of boys whose fathers are either not in their lives, Christmas and Easter attenders, or something else. Did you not have that man in your life and wish you had it? Good, go be that man for someone else. Lead them. Boys don't begin to need a strong male Christian in their lives when they reach high school; it starts now.
#3 - It's great training -
Do you have kids? No? Great. Wait, some of you do have kids but they're not of age. Even better. This is great training for you. You're going to deal with conflicts. You're not going to have every tool available to you, but you will definitely learn how to have discussions with children that are way above your pay grade. It allows you to facilitate discussion and see what makes the minds of children/high schoolers tick. You'll be thankful when you do.
#4 - You show your family how to serve -
It's always amazing to see a family that serves and wants to serve. It starts with you dad. Serve selflessly with these boys and in your household. Show them that serving the Lord doesn't just stop at the house, but continues into the church and the community.
#5 - There's a need -
Let's face it, there's a need for males in youth ministry. In many situations there are women leading boys' groups. This isn't a bad thing, but it shows that there's a need for males. Do you remember in school how you thought that teaching was a female only job and then you made it to junior high or high school and saw a male teacher? Relational serving is not a ladies only thing; it's an every member thing.
On the flip side of this you see men serving in multiple capacities which leads to burnout. Do you want one guy doing everything? Do you want the men serving in your child's area of ministry to be giving 50% here and 50% somewhere else or giving his full energy? Men are needed and you're the guy.
Boys see that model and want to reflect it. I had one friend tell me his son's leader was the center of his faith's foundation. How cool is that? Why did it happen? Because a man heard the call and followed.
#6 - It's fun -
Look, my ideal weeknight isn't hanging out with high school boys. Neither is my ideal morning being with 5th and 6th grade boys. I'll tell you what though, they're some of the most amazing people you've ever met. Their stories and their willingness to share with you will amaze you.
If there's a question of, "Should I serve in youth ministry?' then the answer is yes. God wants you to serve, God will equip you if you're willing to put the time out there. You might not need a 13 year old friend, but they need 21-75 year old man to give them time.