Here is what the Myers-Briggs site says about my type:
Quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of distractions. Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organized – their work, their home, their life. Value traditions and loyalty.
I'm not going to lie, I can't disagree with that. Except for making everything orderly and organized. However, I do live a regimented schedule, so I guess I do like it, I just don't practice it. I always found this personality type indicator to be an interesting thing, so let's take a look at it shall we?
I - Introversion - At first thought I felt I was going to be extroverted. A lot of people know me as this outgoing character and I can be that with those that I love and am close to. Get me outside of my box and I shy away. I know it's one of the reasons why I've always hated clubs (well that and they're lame) and other places like that. You want to spend some quality one-on-one time with me and I'm more than happy to do that. If you start adding a group element, that's cool as long as I know them. Introduce outside elements and I'll figure it out within the first five minutes if I'm going to be quiet or loud and boisterous. It's funny because people think that I hate them because I won't hang out. It's not that I dislike them (although I will be honest, there are people I don't want to hang out with, we all have that) it's just that there are some days that I would rather be by myself and reflect back on the day and do something by myself. I love going to the gym, but I am not a fan of having a workout partner. Working out is me and God time as I'm able to read the Bible while riding the stationary bike, running while appreciating His majesty, swimming and reflecting, the list goes on and on. If I get upset with you, I tend to not talk or respond to anything you say. Some call it ignoring, but it's better that I do that than for me to snipe you with some snide remark (trust me). I'm not some extreme introvert where I won't ever hang out, there are just times when I enjoy doing things by myself.
S - Sensing - I like facts and details. If we're going to do something then let me know what we're doing. It's crazy because I have a pretty regimented day, I have it planned out from 4:30 a.m. to 8:00p.m. I don't have to be at certain places at a certain time, but I stay with it pretty well. Unfortunately, I do tend to pay more attention to details rather than the big pictures. Seriously though, the one thing I don't agree with is that I do look at the big picture more than immediate possibilities, but I guess I want the best of both worlds when it comes to this.
I - Introversion - At first thought I felt I was going to be extroverted. A lot of people know me as this outgoing character and I can be that with those that I love and am close to. Get me outside of my box and I shy away. I know it's one of the reasons why I've always hated clubs (well that and they're lame) and other places like that. You want to spend some quality one-on-one time with me and I'm more than happy to do that. If you start adding a group element, that's cool as long as I know them. Introduce outside elements and I'll figure it out within the first five minutes if I'm going to be quiet or loud and boisterous. It's funny because people think that I hate them because I won't hang out. It's not that I dislike them (although I will be honest, there are people I don't want to hang out with, we all have that) it's just that there are some days that I would rather be by myself and reflect back on the day and do something by myself. I love going to the gym, but I am not a fan of having a workout partner. Working out is me and God time as I'm able to read the Bible while riding the stationary bike, running while appreciating His majesty, swimming and reflecting, the list goes on and on. If I get upset with you, I tend to not talk or respond to anything you say. Some call it ignoring, but it's better that I do that than for me to snipe you with some snide remark (trust me). I'm not some extreme introvert where I won't ever hang out, there are just times when I enjoy doing things by myself.
S - Sensing - I like facts and details. If we're going to do something then let me know what we're doing. It's crazy because I have a pretty regimented day, I have it planned out from 4:30 a.m. to 8:00p.m. I don't have to be at certain places at a certain time, but I stay with it pretty well. Unfortunately, I do tend to pay more attention to details rather than the big pictures. Seriously though, the one thing I don't agree with is that I do look at the big picture more than immediate possibilities, but I guess I want the best of both worlds when it comes to this.
T - Thinking - I don't go with personal preferences most of the time. I have to think stuff out. I laugh when I read this because I like to go with the logical choice on almost anything (I think we should say we all do) I hate doing things on the fly on spontaneously unless it's something I've done before. I don't care if it's going to be "fun" I'd rather look at what's going to happen.
Judgement - It's funny because this is exactly me. From wikipedia: ISTJs tend to plan their activities and make decisions early. They derive a sense of control through . Yup, that is exactly me. I plan my weekends, there really isn't a lot to say about that.
I really wanted to go through and analyze why I am who I am. I found the introverted thing the most interesting and found that it was the one I could give the most explanation about.
Judgement - It's funny because this is exactly me. From wikipedia: ISTJs tend to plan their activities and make decisions early. They derive a sense of control through . Yup, that is exactly me. I plan my weekends, there really isn't a lot to say about that.
I really wanted to go through and analyze why I am who I am. I found the introverted thing the most interesting and found that it was the one I could give the most explanation about.
Introverted! It all makes sense now! That's why you don't come over often. LOL
ReplyDeleteI was ESFJ... hey we are both S and J!
ReplyDeleteI forget what I was but I know it started with an I