Monday, April 12, 2010

The words that can change a life...

Well, well, well another day, another blog. Probably a quick one though as it's early... and yeah it's early. Last night one of the people from my small group got baptized. I was a little down at the time since I pulled my hamstring about an hour earlier, but I wanted to be there because I felt it was important. She got baptized and that was exciting, as I'm sure it was exciting for the person who led her to Christ. Afterwards we went out to dinner and I was talking with Josh, who's our small group leader, and he told me that he wanted to tell me something. He told me that a new member of our small group, Scott, had recently accepted Christ. How awesome right? The coolest way this relates to me was that he was influenced by my testimony. That actually brought me to tears. That is probably the best news of my weekend, possibly my life. All right, I'm going to attempt to teach.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for is always good news when somebody comes to Christ!
